Strathalbyn Township and Environs Development Plan Amendment (DPA)


Project Info:

The Strathalbyn Township and Environs DPA is the land use framework guiding shared implementation of the Strathalbyn Town Plan 2014-2024. The DPA was undertaken in recognition that the Strathalbyn Township has and will continue to experience growth and change, and with this came a critical requirement to balance social, cultural, environmental, and economic values through appropriate land use zoning, and planning policies.

Changes to land use have been the foundation for an integrated approach to realising the community’s vision and goals for the township. Holmes Dyer approached the project as a Master Plan to guide the future sustainability, liveability and prosperity of the township. The scope of investigations and resultant policy and planning framework included:

  • Rezoning primary production land outside of the District Centre to accommodate appropriate retail and commercial growth mindful of impacts on activities of the Town Centre and High Street;
  • Rezoning land identified for retirement living to accommodate residential development;
  • Rezoning primary production land to provide appropriate recreation and open space for a growing community, including concept planning sports and recreation options;
  • Developing planning policy that supports higher density housing options (with a focus on older people), facilitating easy access to retail, commercial and community services;
  • Developing planning policies that support co-location of large scale enterprises within the Industry Zone;
  • Develop planning policies that support innovative change of use of heritage buildings to enable relevant economic opportunities while retaining the Township identity and sense of place; and
  • Developing planning policies that guide public realm design with a focus of quality.

The project presented a diverse scope of investigations, and significant political and community sensitivity attached to a suite of proposed changes. Holmes Dyer worked effectively with the Council, and in liaison with the State, to guide the DPA process to and deliver an integrated land use plan for the township.

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