St Andrews Estate

St Andrews

Project Info:

St Andrews Estate at Andrews Farm is one of the first applications for land division following the rezoning of the site for residential development in line with the 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide.

Holmes Dyer was engaged to develop a Master Plan for the Estate. This Master Plan was developed after full consideration of the opportunities and constraints applicable to the site and locality including the topography, social infrastructure and services, physical infrastructure, stormwater, traffic and a site history. A market analysis also underpinned the Master Plan to ensure that the resultant development will meet market/community demands and needs.

The Master Plan provides for up to 195 residences of varying typologies ranging from traditional to small lot. The lots will cater for single detached dwellings (including traditional dwellings, courtyard style homes and villas), semi-detached dwellings and town houses (including in small lot format) providing a wide range of housing choice and importantly a range of price points. This will ensure a demographic diversity, and optimise the potential for a healthy mix of land tenure and ensure appropriate affordability.

The yield has also been settled having regard for the need for a critical mass of people to support local services and facilities.

Lot positioning and layout were settled based on established principles of good urban planning and urban design, including consideration of Crime Prevention through Urban Design, Water Sensitive Urban Design and solar access. Smaller lots are clustered around open space and larger lots provide an interface with existing areas. An extensive network of open space is included and allows for good access to green space, opportunities for passive recreation, connectivity and management of stormwater. The arrangement of lots, roads and open space also provides for high levels of passive surveillance. The open space and road networks have been designed to provide for full connectivity to the surrounding area (both existing built areas and prospective developments within the Playford North rezoned area).

Holmes Dyer has managed the consultant team and translated the Master Plan into a full Development Application including a comprehensive planning report evaluating the proposal against the provisions of the Development Plan as the first step to the construction of St Andrews Estate.

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