Community Land Management Plans, Port Pirie

Port Pirie

Project Info:

This project centred upon the creation of the Council’s first Community Land Management Plans as are required pursuant to the Local Government Act, 1999. The project included reviewing property type and usage, classifying community land, creating performance objectives, measures and targets for each community land type.

Port Pirie had a complex arrangement a community land that included regional multi-use sports facilities, community parks, foreshore and coastal access, cemeteries, land under cropping lease, road reserve and memorials, and contaminated land.

The process had to integrate a governance arrangement and management proposals for Council managed open space, and included:

  • Reviewing all Council community land by CT and allocating a community land classification;
  • Preparation of community land register to legislative requirements;
  • Reviewing all policy and legislation that applied to each community land classification and catalogue implications;
  • Establish performance objectives, measures and targets for each community land classification type;and
  • Compile a succinct, one stop, document to guide ongoing succinct and convenient decision making
  • Year: